Monday musings... 👩‍💻


Cultivate Your Business

Nonfiction Author. Motivator. Content Creator. Human Design lover. ✨Helping multi-passionate, creative entrepreneurs grow a business that’s easy, fun, & profitable using their you-nique gifts, strengths, and talents!

I'm back!

We officially got back from our trip to NZ on Saturday...

I've spent the past 24 hours catching up on washing (having to use a laundromat because our washing machine decided to die on us 😭) and being super grateful that we reside in Queensland, where winters are mild!

Here's a quick pic of the family (the main reason for us going over was that all of us siblings would be together in one place for the first time in 7 years + my Nana turned 90!):

Yes, there are five of us and yes, there are twins (they are the youngest).

My sister and I reside in Australia, one brother in the south island of NZ, one brother in the north island of NZ, and one brother in Scotland.

We are spread out. ✈️

The trip was fun, although a little on the cold side for my taste. 🥶

It was so great to see everyone.

I bet you're wondering if I took my laptop...I did!

I'm an early riser, and most mornings, I was up before anyone else. 👋

I took this time to reflect on my business...

...particularly given that July was the worst month in my business (income wise) since early 2020.

Here's what I discovered:

📧 My evergreen email funnels aren't working the way I expected them to.

They are taking a little longer to optimize... I hadn't allowed for this.

RESULT: a drop in income from my self-study courses.

🤔 How I'm fixing this:

  • Updating my welcome sequence to better segment my audience
  • Setting up email funnels for EVERY product I have, regardless of whether it's paid or free

I stopped running paid ads.

I decided, back in March, to switch to more organic methods.

While I started out well with my organic marketing (posts on my FB page, weekly videos on YouTube, repurposed content on LinkedIn), it fell by the wayside...

Largely because I didn't implement a system or automate this process.

RESULT: a drop in income from my discoverable content system.

🤔 How I'm fixing this:

  • Start running retargeting ads. These will keep my warm audience aware of what my offers are and encourage them back to my discoverable content (blog posts and YouTube videos), which are optimized for different offers.
  • Automate my discoverable content using Buffer and Tailwind. I also need to schedule time once a week to fill up Buffer.

👩‍💻 My offer suite is top heavy.

Over the past 7 months, I've rejigged my offers quite a few times.

🚪I closed the doors permanently to The Digital Business Lab, my $9/m mini-membership.

🤯 I renamed and rejigged The Digital Income Accelerator membership. I also closed the doors.

The only way someone can join this (new) membership is by invitation.

DIA is now split into two offers:

  1. The Cultivate Program: A 6-month group coaching container
  2. The Cultivate Membership: a coaching and accountability membership (invite only)

I've also added two new memberships:

🧪The $1K Lab — This is a private podcast training + coaching membership with a monthly "Promo Plan From Scratch" session where I create promotion plans for the next month for members.

📧The List Building Collective — This is a membership designed to help members grow their email list through free methods (such as giveaways, bundles, summits etc) or paid methods (lead generation ads etc).

My offer suite currently has the following offers in it:

Yes. This is a lot. 🫨

RESULT: a drop in income as people are confused which offers to take or are overwhelmed by all the offers they have access to.

🤔 How I'm fixing this:

For the past week, I've been waiting to respond (if you're into Human Design, you know).

And the Universe has certainly been sending me signs...

These are leading me to consider streamlining my offers into three core offerings as follows:

  1. A weekly paid newsletter where I can share deep dives on list building, email marketing, and human design, along with mindset and experiments I'm doing in my business. This would be $3 per month and likely in the form of a private podcast, with a bonus written + video version on Heartbeat. This will be my paid list building offer.
  2. The $1K Lab membership. I truly believe that if you present the opportunity for people to buy from you every day, how can you not make money? Of course, this takes a little time to get your head around, which is why this membership exists. It's why I host the LIVE 'promo plan from scratch' sessions each month for members (where I create their next months promotion plan for them).
  3. The Cultivate Membership. This will include four different tracks... The List Building Track, The Recurring Profits Track, The Human Design For Business Track, and the Non-Fiction Author Track. The Cultivate Program will be the Start Track for all members. This will likely remain an invite only membership based on certain actions people take once they join my email list.

This is, of course, subject to change...

Which I'm realizing and leaning into as my business gets older (and me too?!).

As I say to my TCM members all the time — nothing you do is carved in stone.

You can change offers, close offers, and create new offers based on what feels easy and fun for you.

✅ Ultimately, I want a business that provides me with the flexibility to create as often as I want without confusing or overwhelming my audience.

I'll share more as I step into the informing part of my process.

As we head into the last half of the year, I encourage you to review where you're at and where you want to go.

Then asking yourself if the current business you have—including the offers you've currently got—is going to take you there.

If it's not, what will you change?

Take care

Lise xoxo

PS: Quick heads up if you're a non-fiction author who has been eying off the Non-Fiction Author Incubator! The next live round starts in September. This will be the LAST live version I do of this before it gets permanently added to The Cultivate Membership (and only available inside this offer). If you want to get access to this final live version, plus a discount and other bonuses, make sure you're inside the VIP Lounge before August 26th!

Cultivate Your Business

Nonfiction Author. Motivator. Content Creator. Human Design lover. ✨Helping multi-passionate, creative entrepreneurs grow a business that’s easy, fun, & profitable using their you-nique gifts, strengths, and talents!