how to find your creative muscle


Cultivate Your Business

Nonfiction Author. Motivator. Content Creator. Human Design lover. ✨Helping multi-passionate, creative entrepreneurs grow a business that’s easy, fun, & profitable using their you-nique gifts, strengths, and talents!

I wonder if you're sitting there thinking, "Wow, Lise is always doing something! She must be super creative or have some kinda super power for producing content and offers."

And while that's true (😜), the only reason I'm able to get so much stuff done is because I've figured out what my optimal zone of stimulation is when it comes to creativity.

You see, it doesn't matter whether you're an introvert or extrovert, we all need to know what our zone of stimulation is in order to be creative.

You will be forgiven if you automatically thought, "Oh I know what that is for introverts and extroverts. Introverts need solitude and extroverts need lots of people around them to be creative."

Wuh, wuh... For true creatively to present itself, it needs quiet solitude, no matter whether you're an introvert or extrovert. 🤯

I'm both introverted and extroverted, depending on the situation. I believe the term is "omnivert".

An ambivert is someone who exhibits traits of both introversion and extroversion and can feel comfortable in social or solitary settings. An omnivert, on the other hand, fluctuates between introverted and extroverted behavior depending on the situation or mood, displaying a wider range of adaptability.

What does that mean for me exactly?

It means that when I'm around people I know, I'm extroverted. But stick me in a networking event where I know no-one, I turn into a wallflower.

I often find that when I get inspiration to create, I'll withdraw into my cave, needing alone time to focus.

Once the initial creative process is done though, I'm heading out to the cafe (where I am right now) to get the stimulation I need to continue the process.

If you want to be a creative person and produce the stuff you're meant to share with the world, figure out where your zone of stimulation is and know that for some part of it, the process will involve your own version of solitude.

Notice how I didn't say "produce the same stuff that I do"...

We are all unique.

You might be able to produce more than I do.

Or you might produce less, but find your ideal audience faster.

We are all designed to use our you-nique gifts, strengths, and talents based on what feels easy and fun for us.

If you need help figuring this piece out, the Human Design Custom Business Planner + Workbook is a good place to start.

You can pick it up for just $10 here.

Remember: you get to do you when it comes to your business!

Take care

Lise xoxo

Cultivate Your Business

Nonfiction Author. Motivator. Content Creator. Human Design lover. ✨Helping multi-passionate, creative entrepreneurs grow a business that’s easy, fun, & profitable using their you-nique gifts, strengths, and talents!